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DrawWing software automaticaly describes insects wings and helps to identify them.

Xanthogramma sp. (cf. dives/stackelbergi)

Wing Venation of the right wing of Xanthogramma sp. (cf. dives/stackelbergi) .

Epistrophe leiopthalma


The wing venation of Epistrophe leiophtalma (Schiner & Egger, 1853).

Acroschismus hubbardi, wing

Wing Acroschismus hubbardi of from Papp and Darvas (1998)

rys 13, wing

Wing of rys. 13 from Papp and Darvas (1998, fig.13)

nearctic bombyliidae, wing

"Wing of Nearctic bomyliidae from Papp and Darvas (1998, fig. 26 a)

Asilidae, wing

Wing of Asilidae

Poecilanthrax willistonii

Wing of Poecilanthrax willistonii from Papp and Darvas (1998, fig.46.).

Thyridanthrax fenestratoides, wing

Wing of Thyridanthrax fenestratoides from Papp and Darvas (1998, fig. 47.)

Erax, wing

Wing of Erax from Papp and Darvas (fig. 375)

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