Wing of female of Erioptera (Hoplolabis) armata from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 64) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Erioptera (Erioptera) septemtrionis from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 63) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Erioptera (Symtplecta) cana from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 62) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Hesperoconopa melanderi from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 61) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Empedomorpha empedoides from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 60) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Ormosia (Ormosia) manicata from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 59) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Rhabdomastix (Sacandaga) californiensis from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 58) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Molophilus (Promolophilus) nitidus from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 56) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Lipsothrix nigrilinea from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 55) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].