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Physocephala texana

Wing of female of Physocephala texana from McAlpine (1981, fig. 53) Key to Families - Adults,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.89-124, (1981)

Description of the abbreviations contributed by Aaron Schusteff.


A1 = Anterior (or 1st) anal vein
A1+CuA2 = vein formed by fusion of veins A1 and CuA2
CuA1 = 1st anterior branch of the cubitus
CuA2 = 2nd anterior branch of the cubitus
M1 = 1st (posterior) branch of the medial vein
R1 = 1st branch of the radial vein
R2+3 = branch formed from fusion of the 2nd and 3rd branches of the radial vein
R4+5 = branch formed from fusion of the 4th and 5th branches of the radial vein
Sc = subcosta


bm = basal medial cell (or "2nd basal cell")
br = basal radial cell (or "1st basal cell")
c = costal cell
cup = posterior cubital cell (or "anal cell")
dm = discal medial cell (or "discal cell")
m1 = 2st posterior cell (= cell beyond vein M1)
r3 = 1st submarginal cell (= cell beyond vein R2+3)
r5 = 1st posterior cell (= cell beyond vein R4+5)


h = humeral cross-vein
r-m = radial-medial cross-vein
sc-r = subcostal radial cross-vein